31 +Years of experience
Batı Zeytin is a foreign trade company that stands out with its sensitivity to the environment and human health. We have established our expertise on carefully processing the natural and healthy products we obtain from the most fertile lands of our country and presenting them to international markets.
Batı Zeytin is founded in İstanbul aiming foreign market has started its commercial activities in 1994. By the achievements of superfine quality and service sense, food and non-food products have been successfully delivered presently.


: 1994


: Batı Zeytin is a foreign trade company that stands out with its sensitivity to the environment and human health. We have established our expertise on carefully processing the natural and healthy products we obtain from the most fertile lands of our country and presenting them to international markets.




: Batı Zeytin is founded in İstanbul aiming foreign market has started its commercial activities in 1994. By the achievements of superfine quality and service sense, food and non-food products have been successfully delivered presently.