35 +Years of experience
Our biggest goal is to offer the best for you. We look forward to seeing you among us and sharing our products with you.
Orhanoğlu Gıda was founded in Buharkent, Aydın targeting table olive manufacturing in 1990. Our company, is picking different harvests and types of olive from very beginning to accounts thanks to extensive experience. Country and accounts based specified Orhanoğlu Gıda, sustain lean production and product development claims. R&D acitivities has been driven by growing product range is also approaching to domestic and foreign markets within Önal and Stellos.


: 1990


: Our biggest goal is to offer the best for you. We look forward to seeing you among us and sharing our products with you.




: Orhanoğlu Gıda was founded in Buharkent, Aydın targeting table olive manufacturing in 1990. Our company, is picking different harvests and types of olive from very beginning to accounts thanks to extensive experience.